About me

I'm originally from Patagonia, Argentina 🇦🇷 and currently based in Andermatt🇨🇭.

A difficult moment in my life -unemployment- motivated me to take the leap and learn programming. I am convinced and determined to take any challenge as an opportunity, and every experience as a learning experience. To my surprise: I absolutely loved it! It feels amazing to create something from scratch and having a concrete, tangible and visual result out of an idea.

At the moment I can code in HTML, CSS, Javascript and use tools such as Visual Studio Code, Github, Codesandbox, Codepen and hosting plattforms like Netlify. My journey continues with React. Coding is a never-ending learning process and that is partly what keeps me captivated.

I have graduated from Advertising (Account Management), Cultural Studies (BA), and Cultural Management & Cultural Tourism (MA). In my career, I worked in online marketing, sales and consulting in diverse companies. My experiences flow in my code, they make me a creative and resourceful coder with a client-focused perspective.

I love nature. My hobbies include hiking, doing yoga and meditation, visiting art exhibitions and most recently -of course- coding.

See my porftolio

Work inquiry

Let's work together and I'll help you by doing all my best